Saturday, June 29, 2024

install chrome web browser on Ubuntu 18.04 Linux OS

 Today,i have installed Chrome web browser on my laptop. It contains Ubuntu 18.04 Linux Operating System.This OS has Firefox web browser as the default web browser.

I have to refer a web site ,which is not working properly on firefox web browser.So i have to install Chrome web browser.In order to install chrome web browser, I have to do a small workaround.

For the benefits of this blog readers ,i have decide to share this workaround. i have follow below steps to  install chrome web browser. Ubuntu Terminal

2. In the Terminal i enter below command

sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list

 It ask your root password

3.After that  nano text editor will open and from the Editor we have to enter below command

deb [arch=amd64] stable main

4.Next save Nano text editor using ctrl + 0 command . Then press enter to confirm. Next press ctrl + x to exit from Nano text editor.

5. After that in  terminal enter below command


6. After that enter below command in the Terminal to update apt.

sudo apt update 

7.Next run below command in the terminal

sudo apt install google-chrome-stable

8.Now chrome browser successfully installed to your machine.

9. to open the chrome browser you may need to run the below command in the terminal.


Please follow the above steps and please install chrome browser on your Ubuntu OS environment.

Thank you.









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